
Business Continuity 360 (BC360) follows the Good Practice Guide that enables organisations to undertake various audits using our cloud-based tool. Furthermore, we also offer consulting services through BC360 or Data Cube. With this in mind, we can undertake the audit on your behalf. It is especially attractive for organisations that do not have internal ICT skillsets. It ensures service providers provide the best advice.

An information technology audit, or information systems audit, is an examination of the management controls within an Information technology (IT) infrastructure. The evaluation of obtained evidence determines if the information systems are safeguarding assets, maintaining data integrity, and operating effectively to achieve the organisation’s goals or objectives.

Also, organisations often rely on information from their service providers. 

Frequently specialist organisations get torn between the best result for the organisation and their interests

BC360 offers Bussiness Continuity AuditICT AuditPrivacy Audit and Risk Assessment.

Likewise providing structured and practical advice to the Executive level to deliver relevant business gains is crucial. Furthermore, it helps develop implementable strategies for organisations to align ICT capabilities with broader business goals.

Periodic external reviews of ICT are generally considered best practice. 

It enables the organisation to consider efficiency, costs, service levels, risk profile and business alignment. The audit can result in actionable advice provided to Management on how to improve ICT service levels to the business.

Areas covered

  • IT Operations Audit
  • External Service Provider Operations Audit
  • Infrastructure Audit
  • IT Governance and Compliance Audit
  • Risk Audit (ICT)
  • Business/IT alignment Audit

Assessing and improving IT efficiency and reducing risk whilst continuing to deliver business as usual IT services. Our independent review services consider both industry benchmarks and appropriate fit for your business requirements.

Equally having a business continuity plan means you have thought about the products, services and activities your organisation provides. You have put them in order of priority and identified options to continue working during an unexpected disruption.

Areas covere loss of:

  • People
  • Infrastructure
  • Workspace
  • Supply chain
  • Reputation
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