Managed Service Provider Audit Tool

As one of the most significant components within every business, a Managed Service Provider will assist with around the clock monitoring and maintenance of your company or organisation. Having the right MSP in place is vital to the safety and integrity of your business, as they will provide services for your internal and external network, applications, infrastructure, and security. An MSP will also hold a backup of your company’s data and files, usually with a third-party provider.

When it comes to performing a comprehensive review of your Managed Service Provider, BC360’s MSP Audit Tool will allow you to analyse and form a complete overview of your MSP’s contribution to your business.

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What Will An MSP Audit Tool Do For My Business?

At BC360, our team have designed the ultimate Managed Service Provider Audit Tool to assist businesses across Perth with the management and review of their MSP. As your MSP has a critical role in safeguarding your company’s data and security, it is important that you complete a Managed Service Provider audit with our tool to ensure they are delivering on their promises.

By analysing and reviewing several different variables concerning your MSP, BC360’s auditing tool will be able to report on the following key components:

  • Verifying the technology being used by your MSP is up to date
  • Ensure your MSP is completing regular appropriate backup recovery of your company’s data
  • Confirming who has access to said backup information
  • Reviewing where the backup is stored
  • Evaluating Value for money

It is important to note that your MSP will also be in charge of providing solutions to detect vulnerabilities and threats that could arise in your network. At BC360, our MSP Audit Tool will ensure they will have the appropriate resources in place to handle and fix threats as they arise.

AU Organisations with mature DR (%)

Cost of DR to AU organisations (in Billions)

Organisations without a DR plan (%)

Average downtime due to DR (hours)

How Do I Use An MSP Audit Tool?

The Managed Service Provider Audit Tool is perfect for companies that have the means to properly review their MSP’s, such as through an IT department. However, small to medium sized businesses that can’t complete an audit of this scale on their own can contact our team here at BC360 to assist in the auditing their MSP.

For more information regarding our MSP Audit Tool, please give our consultants a call on 0480 030 360 or send us an enquiry online now.

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Is your business ready for a Managed Service Provider Audit?

Check out our Managed Service Provider Audit checklist and see how prepared are you.

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